
High Volume Removal of Algae

Algae & HAB’s (Harmful Algae Blooms inc Blue-Green Algae, Cyanobacteria, Red tides).

It has been proven that hat we do on land ends up in seas and rivers, just think about plastic pollution. The health of our seas is a barometer of the health of our planet. 


Farmers under increasing pressure to deliver higher crop yields and water companies need to deal with growing populations, ageing infrastructure and shareholder demanding recurring returns. All of this whilst trying to keep environmentalists happy by using less power and transport (carbon Neutral) 


Nitrates and phosphates are entering our water from chemical/rain run-off from farms. Water companies are allowed to dump unlimited volumes of raw sewage into our seas and rivers. The result is HABs (Harmful Algal Blooms). HABs are toxic and deplete water of oxygen. HABs are increasing in numbers daily and increasing both in size and toxicity due to record amounts of organic waste. Red tides and algal blooms, facts and information (nationalgeographic.com) 

Florida, particularly, has been devastated by HABs due to climate, geography and pollution. Thousands of kilometres of coastline are threatened with closure due to HAB toxicity, which will affect tourism, businesses and the fishing industry. The US government is now funding HAB treatment and accept that the costs will be in the trillions over the next 10 years. 

There is only one environmentally responsible way to remove HABs and that is to remove the millions of tonnes of organic waste in the seas, rivers Lakes and Ponds, this organic waste is the food source for HABs. Even if the organic waste could be dredged and brought back to the land, it cannot be used in farming as it is toxic and anaerobic (without oxygen). It would have to be incinerated which would accelerate greenhouse gas emissions and therefore global warming. 


Ecosolus International has amassed a small group of marine biologists, bacteriologists and HAB experts, all of whom are of the opinion that high volumes of organic waste can be digested in situ by massive colonies of non-pathogenic bacterium. The bacterium will digest pollution/organic waste/sludge mat as a food source and excrete H2O (water). The solution is 100% environmentally responsible using naturally occurring specially selected bacteria to digest the sludge mat (algae food source) in-situ, whilst reducing measurable parameters such as TSS, BOD, COD and increasing DO (dissolved Oxygen) levels allowing wildlife, marine, fauna etc….to flourish as the natural eco-system has been restored. The bacterium used is 100% safe for all wildlife, humans and does not require any PPE or specialist training, so the solution can easily scale as required in any geographic location. 

Before treatment- algal blooms present – anaerobic water   

After treatment- clear water, healthy wildlife oxygenated water 

The Florida DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) along with the National Algae Association, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) accept that this solution is the only sustainable, scalable and environmentally responsible solution, but want to partner with a US company to implement this. 

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