
Grease Traps, GRU’s Pits – Organics

If not maintained correctly, grease traps are a hazard and will become very odorous.

FOG (fats, oils and grease) will build-up and cause blockages, not only in the trap but in the wastewater network. This can prove very expensive and time consuming to correct. Most kitchens use an enzyme-based product which only liquifies the FOG so that it can be washed further downstream only to re-congeal elsewhere in the network. Increasingly, enzymes are being banned as kitchen professionals & water companies now understand the harsh environmental damage they cause.

Ecosolus bacterial treatments digest FOG in-situ as it is a food source. Continued treatment with the 100% environmentally responsible solution will eliminate FOG and save kitchens considerable sums in terms of costs and risks. This treatment can be used across all variations of grease traps, grease recovery units, external lift/pump ‘pit’ types etc.

The solution is to simply drop a small tablet directly into the trap weekly or we can supply an automatic dosing system using our new liquid FOG treatment solution directly into the trap, whilst maintaining operational budgets.

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